Shared website hosting should be simple, easy to set up, easy to use, and easy to manage. It should include everything you could need for your site. Pick the plan that best fits your needs, and all the bells and whistles you could ever want to come with it.
Shared web hosting accounts should come with everything.
...and you shouldn't need to pay extra either.
Everything you need to grow your website. Order today!
Picking the package that best suits your needs shouldn't be hard, neither should getting the required services or software. We don't limit the software or add-ons to make your website function. All of our packages include a full suite of software and add-ons to make your website the best it can be.
We take data security seriously, and that also includes our shared website hosting customers. All of our shared servers follow a weekly update and backup schedule. Available upgrades include- weekly, daily, and real-time.your website.
* Our Premium package includes a 50 domain, database, and email soft limit. Additional resources can be requested via a support ticket, with 10 added at a time.
* Unlimited bandwidth on all package levels has a soft limit of 50GB. Additional bandwidth can be requested via a support ticket. This is to ensure users do not abuse the server and quality of service remains intact for all customers.